Firm Footing In Christ
Written by Priscilla Henley on 08/16/2021
Series: Weekly Devotionals

Psalm 143:10

10 Teach me to do what you want, because you are my God. Let your good Spirit lead me on level ground.

As believers, we all experience difficulty walking in the will of God at some point during our journey. Consider that particular transgression that you constantly try to free yourself from, but you can’t seem to stop the cycle. 

In Psalm 143:10, David’s prayer is to be taught to do the will of God instead of his own. He understands that he needs God’s Spirit to lead him to “level ground.” This passage proves that doing God’s will is something we are unable to do on our own. The Holy Spirit teaches us to do the will of God. We need transformation by the renewing of our minds to have a firm footing. We cannot walk in obedience in our strength. We have to be taught, changed, and strengthened by the precious Holy Spirit.

So, let’s pray like David did to be taught to do right. The Holy Spirit is with us to guide us in a life set apart for God. Stay connected to God through prayer, reading the Word, hearing the Word, praise, and worship. Maintaining your connection will lead your life into the will of the Father if you are sincere. 

Firm footing in Christ comes through the Holy Spirit. 

Pray this week:

Dear God, 

Just like David did, I ask you to teach me to do your perfect will. Holy Spirit lead me forward in my Christian walk. Plant my feet on level ground and transform my life. I want to do what you want at all times. I repent and stand ready to walk in your path for me. 

In Jesus’ Name, 


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