How Do I Know What To Pray About?
Written by Priscilla Henley on 01/17/2022
Series: Weekly Devotionals

Philippians  4:6
6 ’Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.'

Do you ever feel like life is throwing you concern after concern? Many of us experience anxiety from a myriad of circumstances. In the Word of God, Paul speaks about anxiousness. Anxiousness comes from worry, uncertainty, hopelessness, and doubt.

When we become overwhelmed by life, sometimes we spiral into confusion. We may want God’s help, but we are unsure what to pray. There can be so much on our minds. Sometimes we do not know what to say to God in prayer.

We can find hope in the scriptures, however. Philippians 4:6 says, “don’t worry about anything.” Another translation says, “Be anxious for nothing.”

The Word goes on to say, “but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

Paul explains to the Philippians that they should not worry about anything. He says to bring everything to God in prayer.

Paul means anything. It includes your struggles, spiritual battles, family, employment, schooling, sicknesses, diseases, cares, worries, dangers, triumphs, victories, and more.

God’s ear is available to anything we want to share with Him as well. We can go to God with thanksgiving and present our requests to Him at all times. God is patient and caring. He shows concern for all that concerns us.

In conclusion, when you do not know what to pray about, write down every worry, concern, and source of anxiety. Write down what you are thankful for and what you are standing in faith for God to do in your life.

Then have a conversation with Him. He listens better than a close friend or family member ever could.

Remember, He is listening.

Place your trust in Him and pray about everything that’s on your heart. God is available to you.

Pray this week:

Dear God,
Thank you for always being available to hear me. I bring everything concerning myself to you in prayer and petition. Hear my heart of thanksgiving as I bring every anxious thought and worry to your feet.

I have faith that you hear me and that you will answer.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,

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many blessings


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