Our Darkest Weaknesses
The power of God is astounding! His might is shown robustly in the lives of believers every day. Being a follower of Jesus takes faith and the grace of God. We are not promised a life without pain or trials while we live on this earth. However, this reality allows us to see the power of God in our darkest weaknesses.
In 2 Corinthians 12, Paul speaks about boasting about his weaknesses. He recognizes the power of God in his life even as he lives with a thorn in his flesh. Many of us experience a thorn of mental health challenges or illness. Sometimes this thorn weakens us to the point where we suffer from a lack of energy, great sadness, high anxiety, and loss of interest, to name a few. We face sorrow just as our Savior did.
Hardships Can Create Weakness
Depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, and other disorders are hard to live with. It can be a daily battle. I often find life with a mental illness to be unpredictable. I never know how I will feel when I wake up each morning. I never know ahead of time that an anxiety attack is stewing. I also never know when my mood will flip throughout the day.
Suicidal ideation is also a challenge for many of us when we tire out from depressive episodes. In a state of weakness, sometimes hopelessness can come over us. I have experienced this challenge. It was hard to pull out without strength from God and my mental wellness resources.
I have wanted to give up many times during my mental health recovery. I have attended therapy and taken my medications, but sometimes the pain remains harsh. In many cases, I have combined mental wellness practices with the strength of God to pull me through my uneasy moments.
Our Darkest Weaknesses Become A Testimony
Moving on, I wanted to ask do you embrace your weaknesses as an opportunity for God to show His great power in your life? Boasting in our weaknesses allows us to testify of His sustaining power in our lives. For example, sharing my testimony has encouraged women to make God a part of their mental wellness journey. Sharing allows me to show women a first-hand example of how God can transform your life from bondage and brokenness to wholeness and deliverance.
Our Darkest Weaknesses And God’s Sufficient Grace
Earlier, I mentioned the journey of a believer requiring God’s grace. Our focus verse says that God’s grace “is sufficient” for us. How amazing is this revelation?! God’s grace covers our sins, shortcomings, and our darkest weaknesses. His grace is more than enough.
Our Lord and Savior had His struggles while living on this earth. I remember the account of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus spoke about His soul being sorrowful and grieved. He asked His Father in prayer to take the cup of suffering away. However, Jesus also told God the Father that He wanted His will done and not His own.
I’ve prayed a similar prayer asking God to remove bipolar and depression from my life. I would say that I still live with the illness; however, God has given me grace. His grace has been everything I needed to reach a point where I thrive in life despite the hardship of mental illness. His power has made me stronger in my darkest weaknesses.
Thriving In Our Darkest Weaknesses
I believe all of us have an opportunity to thrive with the presence of God in our life. Faith in the power of God and His ability to restore is crucial. Healing in the area of mental health may not always look like the complete absence of symptoms. For me, it presents like maintaining hope and faith during a depressive period. It may also look like receiving the strength to continue to push through suffering. God is responsible for the healing I’ve seen within myself. He has provided every mental wellness tool I utilize. God has eased my pain and shown me abundant life is mine.
I want to encourage you to keep going. You may experience suffering immensely, but I want to remind you that you are still loved, worthy, beautiful, and will succeed. Don’t give up on yourself. Open your heart to God and allow Him to strengthen you in weaknesses. He can also restore your confidence, drive, self-esteem, and more. He is able!
Acknowledge your weaknesses just as Paul did. Do not walk in fear. Express the goodness of God’s strength during your circumstances. You will experience the power of God’s grace and might when you do this. Continue to keep going, sister. God sees you! He will provide everything you need to thrive.
Dear God,
I thank you for your strength and provision of grace! I experience weakness, but your power has been perfect amongst great pain and suffering. Thank you for never leaving me alone in my circumstance. You are faithful to provide and sustain me through whatever comes my way. Instill joy and peace throughout my mental health journey. Lead me on how to depend on you. Empower me to be a bold witness as I testify of the great things you have done. I want to always acknowledge my weaknesses as the place you have shown yourself mighty. Bring me to a place in life where I am thriving. Impart to me your purpose for my life and direct me in it. I know I can weather the darkest storms with you as my Savior. Thank you for abundant life and the promise of eternal life.
In the name of Jesus, I pray,
I’m always praying for my readers! Visit my CONNECT page if you have a prayer request for me to include in my prayers for you.
Grab my recent eResource, the Mental Wellness Idea List too.
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