Anxiety is quite a struggle for women and men alike. Many of us are constantly working to overcome overwhelming anxiety. Anxiety is very inconvenient and takes no thought of what I’m trying to accomplish. Come to think of if it is an invasion of my peace.
I also find that anxiety shows up whether I’m ready or not. I have felt it creep up on me in moments like during or after time with family or friends.
That is out of line, right?!
Next, it’s important for you to know that anxiety often presents itself as quick-moving thoughts, a restless leg, upset stomach, tension headache, shortness of breath, you name it!
CIRCUMSTANTIAL or relationship driven anxiety

Most commonly, my anxiety stems from a circumstance involving other individuals. By this, I mean that it is as a result of a person or persons attending an event or person(s) involved with certain news.
These are a few examples of how anxiety can be brought on as a result of interaction with someone.
These circumstances can produce panic.
Example 1 – I’m attending an event/gathering with family and/or friends. A conversation triggers me, sending me to a place of insecurity or offense toward another person(s).
Example 2 – I’m attending an event/gathering with family and friends. A person walks in the room who triggers my insecurities or changes my comfort level.
Example 3 – Watching the news or having a conversation with someone sends me into a whirlwind of emotions.
So, do any of these examples resonate with you? If you seem to encounter anxiety as a result of your circumstances with others, I want to share some hope.
What Would God Have me do To overcome overwhelming anxiety?

God’s will is that we would serve him and that his sons and daughters would love, honor and respect one another. As we serve God and are being filled with the Holy Spirit, he wants three things from us.
Number one, as believers we should walk this earth always remembering the bright future we have ahead of us. We can always take joy in the certainty we have of the second coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and the eternal glory we will experience.
Secondly, life on this earth is difficult even for believers. This is not our home. Heaven is our home. We face situations that cause us to become frantic and stressed. But the word of God says for us to be patient in distress. Patience requires us to take a deep breath and dial the intensity back. We may not receive an answer immediately or solve a problem instantaneously with a brother or sister, but having patience allows us to endure as we wait on God to have his way.
Finally, we must stay committed to prayer. God wants to hear from us about everything. As scripture mentions, he wants us to come to Him for wisdom, guidance, and strength. We must not stop praying, even when it’s hard to. Prayer ultimately assists us in our relationships and interactions with others. Call out the name of Jesus, even if you cannot manage to utter the prayer you desire. He will hear your cry, guaranteed.
So, you may be wondering why there is a connection between anxiety and the circumstances/people related to it. Staying hopeful, patient, and prayerful will lower the heightened response that often turns into anxiety and panic.
Wrap up
The anxious thoughts and the physical feelings of distress may come, but I have found that when I focus on what gives me hope, become patient and pray tirelessly that my anxiety begins to lower.
For example, the other night, I was in a lot of pain from stomach spasms brought on by stress. The stress came about after obsessing over what others may think of me. It was so intense. Instead of suffering in pain, I practiced hopefulness, patience, and prayer. Ultimately, God took my pain away. Not only that, he placed me into a state of peace.
It’s is amazing!
Above all, the next time anxiety arises in your life due to your interactions and responses to other people, slow your thinking down and try out these biblical practices. They will assist you in your desire to overcome overwhelming anxiety.
Before you go, do you need prayer? If you feel led to, submit your prayer request here.
Weekly Scripture
“Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.”
Romans 12:12

Yes!! I Have Dealt With Anxiety For Years. & I Have Been Taught To Be Mindful Of What It Is I’m Thinking. But Even Though I Was Able To Figure Out What I Was Thinking, I Didn’t Know What To Really Do Afterwards. But God. He Definitely Filled In My Need For More Than Just Being Aware of My Thoughts. Focusing On His Word Has Helped Me Counter Act Whatever Lie or Distorted Thinking or Irrational Thought That Triggered My Anxiety.
I Love Your Transparency & Tips.
I Also Love Knowing I’m Not The Only One Who Struggles With My Anxiety While Also Walking With Him. Love You!!
Hi Summerlee! Thank you for sharing how your relationship with God has filled in the spaces that self awareness of your thoughts couldn’t. That’s amazing. The Word is truth and it’s great to hear that it helps you counter act thoughts that anxiety causes. I’m rooting you on as you continue to walk with Him. Love you too friend!