I took prayer lightly
Growing up, I was never consistent or persistent in prayer. I had no idea about powerful prayer methods. I didn’t think of prayer as a gift that allows me to communicate with God. I utilized prayer when I felt that I needed it. For instance, in a snag or when hardship hit my life. It did not become a lifestyle until much later in my adult life.
After many difficult years, I was ready to give up on myself and life. Most days, I was depressed. Functioning became impossible for me. I lived most of my life at home with little interaction with my family and no energy to do anything productive. Necessities were hard to complete as well. I ended up hospitalized in Summer 2013 for close to a week. The hospital staff and patients were friendly, but I felt imprisoned by the rules. I wanted to be free, whole and healed.
A pathway to healing
While I was in the mental health facility, God spoke directly to me and through the words of people closest to me. He revealed a second chance that He had wanted me to take for a long time. He offered me His hand and a path to healing.
During my healing and mental wellness journey, God has shown me the power of conversation with Him. I want to share some powerful prayer methods I have used for years to eliminate anxiety, pull myself out of depressive spaces and gain mental clarity.
Powerful Prayer Methods
Prayer Journaling
So, I want to introduce you to prayer journaling. Have you tried it? It’s one of the best ways I release emotions of all kinds. Specifically, doubt, anxiety, and insecurities are all emotions I release during my journaling practice. My journal becomes a place where I brain-dump everything on my mind. As I write, I present the list to God and seek His guidance and comfort in our quiet time together. I ask for clarity on things I do not understand and sit silently to hear from Holy Spirit. Sometimes I don’t walk away with a Word from Holy Spirit, but I close my journal feeling lighter spiritually and emotionally. I feel the peace that surpasses all understanding.
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 4:7 ESV
Praying Scripture
One of my weapons against anxious and depressive thoughts is the Sword of the Spirit, the Holy Word of God. In my prayers, I often speak scriptures I’ve memorized that come against false narratives my mind has accepted to be true. I also love turning to certain Psalms and reading those aloud in the middle of my prayers. I speak scripture that talks about our identity in Christ, healing, having the mind of Christ, and the character of God. The scriptures give me hope because I know they are true. They are able to reveal and refute any lies I find myself believing. I am able to refocus my gaze on Jesus.
Praying during worship
Additionally, I pray while worshiping. I worship through song and speaking words of adoration to God. I use this sacred time in God’s presence to open my mouth and share my heart and the state of my mind with the Lord. It’s a conversation that is clear and transparent. It’s a time of surrender before the Father. When I rise from the floor, I feel lighter and more at peace mentally.
It’s a lifestyle
Finally, remember that prayer is a lifestyle.
God’s word says this about prayer,
pray without ceasing, - 1 Thessalonians 5:17
Trust God with your prayer life. Ask Him to make it all He has created prayer to be in your life as a believer and a woman on a mental health journey.
Much Love,
Priscilla J
I’m always praying for my readers! Visit my CONNECT page if you have a prayer request for me to include in my prayers for you.
Listen to Season 2, Episode 3 of the Her Faith Walk Bible & Prayer Podcast, where I discuss praying the scriptures.
Grab my recent eResource, the Mental Wellness Idea List too.
What a powerful blog post! Just now reading it, lol. But wow. It helped me see the need to prayer journal more often. I loved how you said that our prayer, our conversation with God is a gift.
Thank you for sharing sis! It warms my heart that you liked the post.