5 Quick Things Busy Women Can Do To Have Meaningful Time Reading The Bible Daily

5 Quick Things Busy Women Can Do To Have Meaningful Time Reading The Bible Daily

Do you ever feel like there’s just not enough time in your day to do much more than say a quick prayer and a thank you to Jesus when it comes to your time with God? I did a poll on my Instagram stories and it was abundantly clear that time with God is a struggle for many women. We get busy, we get tired, we fall asleep, and then the day is over with no time spent with God.

Well Sis, I want to help you get some quality time in with God. Here are 5 quick things busy women can do to have meaningful time reading the Bible daily.

Devotional & Meditation On the Word

Idea number one is for you to choose a devotional and single out the anchor scripture of that devotion. Once you’ve done that and before you read the devotional, read the scripture word for word and then meditate on its meaning. You can follow this up by completing the devotional or taking this bonus step.

Open your Bible and read the entire chapter that the verse comes from in your study Bible. Use the study notes in the Bible for further understanding.

You-Version Bible Plan

Another idea is to consider picking and using a YouVersion Bible plan for your time with God. This is similar to the devotional idea, but many of the YouVersion Bible plans for example, can be 5 to 30 days long.

Additionally, follow the bonus step above for the Bible plans anchor verse(s).

Remember that there is no pressure to do the bonus step. It’s just a way to get deeper study in during your quiet time. 

Do you ever feel like there’s just not enough time in your day to do much more than say a quick prayer and a thank you to Jesus when it comes to your time with God? I did a poll on my Instagram stories and it was abundantly clear that time with God is a struggle for many women. We get busy, we get tired, we fall asleep, and then the day is over with no time spent with God.

Well Sis, I want to help you get some quality time in with God. Here are 5 quick things busy women can do to have meaningful time reading the Bible daily.

Devotional & Meditation On the Word

Idea number one is for you to choose a devotional and single out the anchor scripture of that devotion. Once you’ve done that and before you read the devotional, read the scripture word for word and then meditate on its meaning. You can follow this up by completing the devotional or taking this bonus step.

Open your Bible and read the entire chapter that the verse comes from in your study Bible. Use the study notes in the Bible for further understanding.

You-Version Bible Plan

Another idea is to consider picking and using a YouVersion Bible plan for your time with God. This is similar to the devotional idea, but many of the YouVersion Bible plans for example, can be 5 to 30 days long.

Additionally, follow the bonus step above for the Bible plans anchor verse(s).

Remember that there is no pressure to do the bonus step. It’s just a way to get deeper study in during your quiet time. 

Start A Book Of The Bible

The next idea is to begin reading a book of the Bible. Choose a book of the Bible first, then learn the context of everything that’s taking place in the book. Ultimately, this involves reading a summary of the book. I like to use The Bible Handbook by Daily Grace Co for this step.

Now for the reading part, you should read the book section by section. In each book there are chapters and in each chapter, there are usually sections. So read one section per day. In most books this should take no longer than 5 minutes per section.

If you want a deeper study, read the study notes in your Bible for more clarity.

Email Devotional

The second to last idea is to sign up for a daily email devotional from a Bible-believing and teaching pastor. 

For instance, I love Rick Warren’s email devotionals.


Finally, there are biblically sound devotional podcasts that are great to listen to as you get dressed for the day, are cooking, working out, commuting, etc.

One of my favorites is the “God Is Within Her” women’s devotional podcast with Valarie Reynolds

I also have A surprise!

I will be starting my very own Her Faith Walk – Women’s Devotional Podcast in a few months. If you want to be notified when I launch, join the HFW Circle when you sign up for one of my freebies here.

Do you want to become a believer today? I’ll show you how here.

The Power Of Your Story

The Power Of Your Story

I have to say it has been quite a journey building Her Faith Walk over the past year and a half. I’ve gone back and forth between subject matter and struggled to submit to God’s vision. I’m not proud of this, but I have to be truthful about it.

I’ve never had an issue with evangelizing, praying, and promoting the study of God’s word. I’ve never had reservations about the conversation on faith. After all, the ministry’s name is Her Faith Walk. But, I have had difficulty being fully transparent and willing to share my successes and setbacks in my mental health.

Before I received the assignment of online ministry, I had no problems sharing my mental health journey. There may have even been times where I overshared. But, when the time came to couple my journey with my mission to spread the gospel, I began to close off.

If you wonder why this was, let me explain. I believe that the enemy never wants a testimony to reach the person that needs to hear it. He does his best to distract us from our assignment and silence our story. When stories include the goodness of God, Satan doesn’t want it told.

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood from Pexels
John 10:10 says, 
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."

The enemy wants to steal everything God has given us, including our testimony. He comes to kill and destroy and prevent our story from being heard. He wishes that no one becomes saved through the power of our testimony.

However, Jesus came that we may have life and have it abundantly. Therefore, God’s desire is for our souls to be saved from eternal death and for us to have life to the full.

Sometimes hearing or seeing the testimony of our lives is the only Jesus a person will see. You and I both need to remember this and take our testimony, witness, and assignment seriously.

As I move forward with Her Faith Walk, I am now intentional about fulfilling God’s desires. It’s all about Him, and I want more of Him to shine through and less of me. Women’s lives are and will continue to be touched by me sharing the highs and lows of my journey living with a mental illness. They will change by the goodness of God that shines through it all.

In conclusion, our God assignments are powerful, and we cannot allow the enemy to distract us from them. We must stay in prayer and obedience. Let’s open our mouths and declare the goodness of God in our lives. Let’s show the world how He has allowed us to overcome.

Grab the March Free Resource, The Deliverance Prayer Challenge here.

many blessings
Where Have You Been, Priscilla?

Where Have You Been, Priscilla?

Where Have You Been, Priscilla?

So, today I’m letting you ladies know where I’ve been… 

But first, let me start by sharing that a large part of who I’ve been can be described by how I respond to life’s circumstances. I am and have always been sensitive. This sensitivity became even more obvious to me when I discovered the imbalance of the chemicals in my brain. 

I live with bipolar disorder. This is nothing new to me, to be honest. My bipolar journey spans back to age 21. So it’s been a minute. 

For the past several months I’ve been on a mental and emotional roller coaster. I’ve been on and off of my platforms more since August 2021. The loss of my pet last August led me deep into an ocean of sensitive emotions. My feelings of despair caught up with my chemical imbalance and life got pretty rocky.

All this to say, I learned something pretty eye-opening recently, which has led me back here.

It’s this…I can no longer allow feelings of oppression to catapult me into despair and pessimism.

From experience, I know that my tendency to be pessimistic about life leaves me in daily depression and a cycle of bipolar highs and lows.

I’ll have a journey with bipolar for the rest of my life. But, now I know something pretty amazing…

I still have some control over this thing!

Feelings are ok, but allowing them to control my everyday outlook on life is not. I may feel awful about something, but that doesn’t mean everything is awful.  

So, it’s been a couple of weeks of work so far, but I’m working on not judging my life based on my sensitive feelings. I’m facing my feelings but choosing to still stand in faith with a perspective that I can still see life as a blessing. A blessing that I want to be a part of daily. 

Also, I have to give credit where it is due. The Holy Spirit, @morgantracyj – my ministry mentor, and therapy all helped me come to this realization. 

Since childhood, oppression has worked its hardest to attach itself to me, but no more will I be a slave to it.

Pray for my strength, my sisters-in-Christ! 

Finally, I have to tell you that ministry has become a part of my daily life, and I’m committed to sharing my love for God, the power of prayer, and who He is in His word with all of you. 

So if you see me fall off and it is on your heart, reach out and check on me. I’m praying I can do the same thing for you through my ministry. 

If you got this far, thank you for reading! 

Much love to you and many blessings, 


Christian Girl Tag | Christian Girl Q&A

It’s Faithful Friday! In this week’s episode I am doing a Christian Girl Tag! Listen in as I answer these Christian girl questions! It was fun!

What is Salvation? https://herfaithwalk.com/salvation/
Bible Study Guide:

Website: https://herfaithwalk.com/
Ministry Instagram: @herfaithwalk https://www.instagram.com/herfaithwalk/
Personal Instagram: @priscillajhenley https://www.instagram.com/priscillajh…
Submit Prayer Requests: https://herfaithwalk.com/prayerrequest/
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many blessings


Build Trust In God Through Journaling | Journaling Your Worries & Fears

It’s Faithful Friday! I discuss how I build trust in God through journaling I go through the steps that I take to journal my worries, fears, and concerns that I ultimately trust God with. Learn how to journal your way to trusting God more.

What is Salvation? https://herfaithwalk.com/salvation/
Bible Study Guide: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/6095ca…

Website: https://herfaithwalk.com/
Ministry Instagram: @herfaithwalk https://www.instagram.com/herfaithwalk/
Personal Instagram: @priscillajhenley https://www.instagram.com/priscillajh…
Submit Prayer Requests: https://herfaithwalk.com/prayerrequest/
Business Inquiries: info@herfaithwalk.com

many blessings


Seek God When You Feel Lonely | Overcoming Loneliness

It’s Faithful Friday! Today I discuss overcoming loneliness and seeking God in times of loneliness. I discuss how David handled his loneliness in the barren wilderness of Judah. This account is located in Psalm 63 of the Holy Bible. Enjoy the video!

What is Salvation? https://herfaithwalk.com/salvation/
Bible Study Guide: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/6095ca…

Website: https://herfaithwalk.com/
Ministry Instagram: @herfaithwalk https://www.instagram.com/herfaithwalk/
Personal Instagram: @priscillajhenley https://www.instagram.com/priscillajh…
Submit Prayer Requests: https://herfaithwalk.com/prayerrequest/
Business Inquiries: info@herfaithwalk.com

many blessings


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