Important Declarations For Living A Life of Peace and Rest
Important Declarations

It’s 2021 Sisters! We need to make some declarations!
We made it through 2020, praise the Lord.
This year I’ve decided to create a couple of declarations for 2021 that will remind me of God’s ability to keep me at peace and rest.
I don’t know what’s to come during this year, but I do know having the promises of God in my heart will help me to weather the good and the bad.
I want to share my declarations for peace and rest with you today in this post.

Peace is the subject of my first declaration. I value peace because it creates a calmness in me when I’m going through the pain of trials, sickness, anxiety, depression, and grief.
John 16:33 in the New Living Translation says,
Jesus Christ has overcome sin, the enemy, and death. He is our sovereign King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I have eternity in my view and I know during my time on this earth, Jesus’s power will reign.
Trials and sorrows may not disappear or cease for us, but having Jesus Christ as our Savior lightens the load.
I DECLARE despite my circumstances, I have peace knowing that my Savior, Jesus Christ has overcome the world.

In addition to peace, I’m focusing on rest which is similar. 2020 was a stressful year of uncertainty. I allowed the stress to overwhelm me at times.
While stress and uncertainty still may be present in 2021, I look forward to being more at rest. After all, the devil is already defeated. So once again, I’m giving my burdens and baggage to Jesus. I refuse to be bound by stress.
Matthew 11:28-30 in the New Living translation says,
As a believer, salvation has given me eternal rest. I no longer have to be weighed down by the guilt, shame, and pain of sin. And neither do you…
Christ lightens all our burdens. Jesus offers us his yoke, which in essence brings us to a point of surrender where we release our will and submit to His.
I feel at rest knowing that despite the stresses of this life, I have salvation and an eternity with God, free of pain.
I DECLARE that I have taken on the yoke of Christ and found rest in him. I am his disciple and have eternity in my view.
In Conclusion
This was a fun activity. It gave me the time to reflect on my needs and study the scriptures for answers to them. I intend to recite these two declarations every morning during my AM routine.
I’d love to know, are you making declarations this year or plan to do something like this?
If you do and you want to share with the community, please share with us in the comments.
Thank you for being a part of this community. I pray that Her Faith Walk continues to bless you during 2021.
If you need to know how to become a believer please click here and visit here to submit any prayer requests that you may have.
Until next time…God bless you, Sis!

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