How Do I Know What To Pray About?

How Do I Know What To Pray About?

How Do I Know What To Pray About?
Written by Priscilla Henley on 01/17/2022
Series: Weekly Devotionals

Philippians  4:6
6 ’Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.'

Do you ever feel like life is throwing you concern after concern? Many of us experience anxiety from a myriad of circumstances. In the Word of God, Paul speaks about anxiousness. Anxiousness comes from worry, uncertainty, hopelessness, and doubt.

When we become overwhelmed by life, sometimes we spiral into confusion. We may want God’s help, but we are unsure what to pray. There can be so much on our minds. Sometimes we do not know what to say to God in prayer.

We can find hope in the scriptures, however. Philippians 4:6 says, “don’t worry about anything.” Another translation says, “Be anxious for nothing.”

The Word goes on to say, “but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

Paul explains to the Philippians that they should not worry about anything. He says to bring everything to God in prayer.

Paul means anything. It includes your struggles, spiritual battles, family, employment, schooling, sicknesses, diseases, cares, worries, dangers, triumphs, victories, and more.

God’s ear is available to anything we want to share with Him as well. We can go to God with thanksgiving and present our requests to Him at all times. God is patient and caring. He shows concern for all that concerns us.

In conclusion, when you do not know what to pray about, write down every worry, concern, and source of anxiety. Write down what you are thankful for and what you are standing in faith for God to do in your life.

Then have a conversation with Him. He listens better than a close friend or family member ever could.

Remember, He is listening.

Place your trust in Him and pray about everything that’s on your heart. God is available to you.

Pray this week:

Dear God,
Thank you for always being available to hear me. I bring everything concerning myself to you in prayer and petition. Hear my heart of thanksgiving as I bring every anxious thought and worry to your feet.

I have faith that you hear me and that you will answer.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,

Become A Believer Today

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Who Do I Run To In Times Of Trouble?

Who Do I Run To In Times Of Trouble?

Who Do You Run To In Times Of Trouble?
Written by Priscilla Henley on 01/10/2022
Series: Weekly Devotionals

Psalm 46:1
1 “God is our refuge and strength, a helper who is always found in times of trouble.”

Consider anything in your life that has become troublesome to you. Does that thing leave you feeling helpless? Has it drained you and made you feel like there is no way of fixing things?

Times of trouble can come at any time and in any form. My mental health has been a troublesome area of my life for many years. Depression drains me emotionally, physically, and mentally. When moments of unexplained sadness, pain in my body, fatigue, trouble focusing, and sleeping occur, I have become helpless.

Helplessness is so dangerous. Often helplessness leaves the perfect opening for the enemy to creep in with his form of help and guidance. He wants to influence us in our weaknesses.

In Psalm 46:1, we can find the saving grace from the helpless and troublesome places we find ourselves. God’s description in this verse portrays him as being always found in times of trouble. In other words, God does not avoid the issues and dilemmas that He finds us in. He does not have an attitude as if to say, “Oh well, that’s their problem.”

God is our helper. He is the place we find refuge. Refuge, being the protective place we run to in times of trouble. He is also our strength. He takes from us the heavy load of burdens that we carry. Ultimately God does it all. He takes care of all our needs in times of prosperity and trouble.

At this point, you have read the encouraging news that God is with you and me both as we face troublesome times. I encourage you to hold onto this promise. When the enemy lies to you and tries to make you believe there is no way out or you might as well give up, rebuke him and quote Psalm 46:1. You are not alone my sister. If you seek God, you are right where you belong, in His presence and care.

Seek God with your whole heart in dire circumstances. Turn from the influence of the evil one and embrace the fact that God is your refuge, strength, and helper.

Pray this week:

Dear God,
You are my helper! I know that I am not alone in ____. I am covered by you, strengthened by you, and assisted through everything by you. Hide this truth in my heart that I may not forget and be deceived.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,

Become A Believer Today

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Don’t Doubt The Promises Of God

Don’t Doubt The Promises Of God

Don’t Doubt The Promises Of God
Written by Priscilla Henley on 10/24/2021
Series: Weekly Devotionals

1 Kings 8:56
56 “Praise the Lord who has given rest to his people Israel, just as he promised. Not one word has failed of all the wonderful promises he gave through his servant Moses.

Do you doubt the promises of God often?

When you do not see a shift in the direction God promised to take you, it oftentimes is difficult to trust the promises He has made. The promises that He made in His word and through the Holy Spirit. 

In this 8th chapter of 1 Kings, Solomon dedicates the temple that the Lord promised King David He would build through one of His sons. King Solomon was the son to fulfill that promise. 

During the temple dedication, Solomon stands with a loud voice and blesses the congregation of Israel. 

He praises the Lord for His goodness toward Israel. God has given rest to them as He promised he would. Also, he goes on to say that God’s word has never failed. Every promise God made through Moses has not returned void. 

I want to encourage you not to give up on God’s promises. If God can bring to pass a promise he made to David, He will fulfill the promise He made to you. 

If God can deliver on His promises to the people of Israel, He can do the same for you. God works on His timing. It’s timing we often don’t understand. But, in His timing, He can build, deliver, heal, forgive, and so much more. 

I challenge you to transform your doubts into solid rock faith that believes in God’s every promise. Don’t get caught up in the timing of things and the lies Satan will whisper to you as you wait. Believe in the substance of things hoped for and for the unseen God has promised you. 

Take hold of the very same rest that God gave the people of Israel. Sit back and watch every promise He has made come to pass. 

Prayer this week:

Dear God,

Thank you for being so faithful! There isn’t a promise that you have ever made that has returned undone or void. Father, help me to remain in faith. The wait may not be easy, but I humbly ask for your strength to persevere. 

In Jesus Name, 


Become A Believer Today

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How Could You Worship Two Gods?

How Could You Worship Two Gods?

How Could You Worship Two Gods?
Written by Priscilla Henley on 09/26/2021
Series: Weekly Devotionals

Matthew 6:24
24 “How could you worship two gods at the same time? You will have to hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You can’t worship the true God while enslaved to the god of money!”

Money can enslave us if we begin to value it more than God. If we are slaves to money we have made money our god. When money becomes a god in our lives, we devote ourselves to it and despise the one true living God. 

The scriptures inform us that we cannot love both God and money. This is not to say that it is wrong to have money. It isn’t wrong to have wealth either. Money becomes an issue when money controls you. 

Have you allowed money to have you? To be clear, do you value money and the treasures of this earth over God and the eternal treasures He has for us in heaven?

Reflecting from a spiritual perspective, I’d say it’s safe to say to escape any enslavement to money; we must devalue money and any self-centeredness it creates. Jesus commands us to hate the god of money and love God. 

I want to encourage you to choose God. Money is temporary and does not go with us when we die. Fortunately God the Father has prepared a place for those who love Him and believe in Him. Money cannot compare to the treasures God has stored for us in heaven. 

I challenge you to change your outlook on money. Consider how the money you possess on this earth can bless the kingdom in addition to your own needs and desires. Ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten you on how to handle money and be a good steward of it. 

Ask yourself now if money is controlling you. If it is, commit today to change that by seeking God’s guidance to break free from it.  

Pray this week:

Dear God,

Thank you for being my God! The God who provides all provision. Please show me how to be a good steward. While on earth, I want to glorify you through my giving. My prayer is that you will always be the only God of my life.

In Jesus Name, 


Become A Believer Today

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I Am With You. I Am Your God.

I Am With You. I Am Your God.

I Am With You, I Am Your God
Written by Priscilla Henley on 09/06/2021
Series: Weekly Devotionals

Isaiah 41:10 

10 Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.

Most people have some level of day-to-day anxiety which, leads to fear. Sometimes we may even get the blues when we become discouraged. When life drives us here, we need to collect ourselves.

The good news is we never have to collect ourselves in our strength. We can always trust God. We can trust God just as God encouraged His faithful ones too in Isaiah 41. We are also God’s faithful ones. God wants us to know that when we are afraid, He is with us. Despite the terrors of this life we live on earth, God is always with us. He is by our side, in our corner, leading us through the fear. 

God also wants us to remember his sovereignty in our discouragement. Often discouragement causes us to consider giving up. There are also times when it leads to doubt. God, however, doesn’t want us to give up or fall into doubt because He is our God. With our God, all things are possible. There is no need to be discouraged or doubt what He can do.

When we need to collect ourselves, we can utilize God’s strength and help. His mighty hand will hold His faithful ones up and bring us forth victorious.

So, I encourage you to hold onto this powerful verse. Hide it in your heart so that when fear, anxiety, discouragement, and doubt sneak up on you, this verse comes to you immediately. 

If you struggle in any of the areas I’ve mentioned, I challenge you to memorize some encouraging verses like Isaiah 41:10. The Word of God is a powerful weapon! Don’t be afraid to use it.

Pray this week:

Dear God,

Thank you for your Word that stands with me through the joys and sorrows of life. 

In Jesus’ Name, 


Become A Believer Today

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Peace Through Times Of Grief And Loss

Peace Through Times Of Grief And Loss

Peace Through Times Of Grief And Loss
Written by Priscilla Henley on 08/25/2021
Series: Weekly Devotionals

John 14:27 

27 “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.

Do you have an understanding of the difference between worldly peace and peace from Jesus? Honestly, up until last week, I did not quite get it. Now I understand, and I am thankful that I do. 

On August 21, 2021, my husband and I had to make a difficult decision that we did not see coming. Our precious cat Leo had a sudden decline in his health beginning at the end of July 2021. My husband and I tried to get Leo all the treatment that he needed. We prayed for him to recover. But, unfortunately, his health continued to decline, and we could not bear to see him in pain with such a poor quality of life. We decided to put our furbaby to sleep. 

I have to be honest. The last several days have hurt deeply. I have shed so many tears that I began to get horrible headaches and nausea. Leo has been my companion for over 12 years. He acted as an emotional support pet for me. During the many years that I struggled with mental illness, he was always right by my side. 

He brought me peace. But, little did I know there is a greater peace that is unlike the world. Worldly peace requires the absence of conflict and struggle, while Godly peace is consistent in any circumstance. Leo could not leave with me the peace he often gave me. However, when Jesus ascended into heaven, he did!

So the lesson I learned is this; though I am grieving a loss, I neither need to be troubled nor afraid. No matter what situation that I find myself in.

As believers, we have a constant flow of the peace of God through the power of The Holy Spirit who lives within us. This peace regulates our heart and mind. Even if you believe you have lost the very thing that you feel gives you the most peace. Do not be discouraged. Do not be afraid. God is and has always been there. Peace from Jesus is the greatest that you will ever know or experience. 

I rejoice that I have no reason to feel like I lost my peace. God’s peace has always been with me. As I continue with my life, I will rely on the peace of God to sustain me through everything I face. I thank God for Leo, but I thank Him even more for being a faithful ever-present God. I have peace through this time of grief and loss. I pray, I read God’s Word, I worship and more!

I encourage you to do the same. Let us accept the peace that Jesus desires to give us. We will never have a reason to be troubled or afraid.

Pray this week:

Dear God,

Thank you for every person and every pet of peace that you have brought into my life. I thank you even more for your peace and comfort. What you give is true and can not be taken from me. Always fill me with a desire for you. Teach me to call on the Holy Spirit when I feel myself slipping into fear. Help me to remember your peace and all it can be in my life. 

In Jesus’ Name, 


Become A Believer Today

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